'Fifty Shades Of Grey': Summer Of 2014 Release Teased By Universal Head
Rumors about the "Fifty Shades of Grey" movie have sprouted up on the regular over the last year, but the project is still in its infancy.
Salman Rushdie: Author Asks Why India Is Intolerant
Author Salman Rushdie says that India needs to ask itself why it's becoming a culturally intolerant country that bans books and movies that offend some people.
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Raising a New Generation of Readers
It's 2013, and reading has never been more important. Our world has become a fast-paced blur of information. Everywhere we go, we are presented with an overload of data that needs immediate attention and a quick response. Life is not slowing down, and more and more people are being left behind.
Lance Armstrong Book Lawsuit
Perhaps they were inspired by a library prank suggesting Lance Armstrong's books had been moved to the fiction section?
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Buy books with your smathphone! Balbu have a mobile version, where you can buy books with a few easy taps. Just scan the QR code and get your favorites from anywhere, anytime, or just type the address: m.balbu.eu.
Papírról a nagyvászonra
Az utóbbi időben az Álomgyár egyre több könyvet szeretne a mozikban is megismertetni a közönséggel, persze nem önzetlenségből, hiszen hatalmas pénzek vannak a könyvadaptációkban. Gondoljunk csak bele az Alkonyat mérhetetlen sikerébe, ami film nélkül talán meg sem jelent volna magyar nyelven.
Már magyar nyelven is kapható Rowling új regénye
Az ünnepi szezonban került a magyar boltok polcaira Rowling legújabb regénye, amely ezúttal nem varázslatról, a jó és a gonosz harcáról szól, ám a Harry Potter könyvekben bemutatott halandóság és erkölcsösség ismét visszaköszön az olvasóra.
Reading books shortens prisoners' sentences in brazilian prison
Brazil will offer inmates in its crowded federal penitentiary system a novel way to shorten their sentences: four days less for every book they read. Inmates in four federal prisons holding some of Brazil's most notorious criminals will be able to read up to 12 works of literature, philosophy, science or classics to trim a maximum 48 days off their sentence each year, the government announced.
Cook With Jamie
Jamie Oliver is a phenomenon in the world of food. He is one of the world's most loved television personalities and one of Britain's most famous exports. Jamie has had huge success with television series “The Naked Chef”, “Jamie's Kitchen”, “Jamie's School Dinners”, “Jamie's Great Italian Escape”, “Return to School Dinners”, “Jamie at Home” , “Jamie's Ministry of Food” and more...