S.I. Cohen
Microeconomic Policy
Microeconomic Policy

  • angol
  • 194 oldal
  • Kötés: papír / puha kötés
  • hibátlan, olvasatlan példány
  • Szállító: Mike és Tsa Antikvárium
Routledge, 2001

Microeconomic Policy gives the student a wider view of microeconomics than is often the case, linking principles to settings and showing how theory complements policy and vice versa. Cohen sees a satisfactory balance between private interest, public concern and social norms as the challenge to present society; where microeconomic policy making and design create harmony between the market economy, state intervention and institutional governance. By linking theory to policies and application, Microeconomic Policy will enable students to acquire proficiency and recognize balance in policy analysis and preparation. It contains comprehensive coverage of a broad range of policy areas including:

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