Raphael Brandon, Arthur Brandon
158 Plates from the Brandons' Treatise, 1847 - Újszerű.
158 Plates from the Brandons' Treatise, 1847 - Újszerű.

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  • 168 oldal
  • Kötés: papír / puha kötés
  • jó állapotú antikvár könyv
  • Szállító: Tûzõr Antikvárium
Dover Publications, 2008

This comprehensive study of Gothic architecture traces the distinctively beautiful elements of Gothic style through the medieval churches of Europe. Gathered from a rare two-volume Victorian classic, over 700 meticulously rendered details and illustrations display every intricate aspect of Western culture's most magnificent ecclesiastical structures, including London's Westminster Abbey Church. The only edition of these antique architectural plates in print, this splendid book is a one-of-a-kind source of authentic Gothic design.
In page after fascinating page, this rich retrospective features the finest examples of medieval masonwork, woodwork, and metalwork dating back to the thirteenth century. Explore the soaring Gothic characteristics of vaulted ceilings, arched windows, flying buttresses, pointed spires, ornamental filials, and decorative panels, plus doorways, moldings, roofing, porches, door hinges, and other elaborate architectural elements.
Filled with fascinating insights into the creation of Gothic-style churches and cathedrals, this sweeping survey also provides lively observations of the medieval period.

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