Lillian Smith
Strange Fruit
Strange Fruit

  • angol
  • 290 oldal
  • Kötés: keménytábla, védőborító apró szakadásokkal
  • jó állapotú antikvár könyv
  • Szállító: Központi Antikvárium Kft.
  • foltos
  • kopottas
Cresset Editions, 1945

Strange Fruit is a story, not about lynching - though this evil appears in the book; not about poverty and low wages, though these, too, are there. Strange Fruit is a story about human beings and their relationships. It is a story of mothers and sons in search of each other; of brothers and sisters who remain for ever strangers, of a man and a girl who love - not according to the rules their culture dictates, but according to the dreams and fantasies each child makes up in his heart before he even knows words and continues to tell himself until he dies.

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